Salma Ali
"I try to take inspiration from everything and everyone around me, I try as much as i can to see everything in a positive way to be able to become a better person and to be a good influence to those around me. My family has always been my source of strength and the support I need.
My experience with Miss Egypt has opened my eyes and mind to a lot of stuff, it made me realize that us women, we are more than anyone could ever think.
We are strong, smart and beautiful.
That's why I’m dedicating my year as Miss Egypt to women."

Miss Egypt
منظمة بنت مصر
We are the Miss Egypt Bent Masr Organization, an internationally recognized pageant platform that celebrates the unique beauty of Egyptian women and culture. Beyond well-known, we remain relevant to mainstream culture, as we connect young women to their own beauty and help them activate their voice.
ملكة جمال مصر - بنت مصر هي منظمة معترف بها دولياً، بتحتفل بالجمال الفريد للمرأة المصرية و ثقافتها، وبتساعدها في توصيل صوتها وابراز دورها في المجتمع. تعمل المنظمة كعائلة واحدة بكل طاقة للتأثير بشكل ايجابي على وضع المرأة المصرية في حياتها اليومية.
Our Initiatives
Beyond the red carpet glamour and luxurious lifestyle, the platform of Miss Egypt is synonymous with giving back. Charity and community engagement are at the core of all that we do, from exciting fund-raising events, to heart-warming visits, and adventures in awareness, at Miss Egypt, each of our initiatives matter.
الى جانب بريق السجادة الحمراء، الأعمال الخيرية والمشاركة المجتمعية هما في صميم كل اللي بنعمله في منظمة بنت مصر. من جمع التبرعات، للزيارات و المشاريع الخيرية. في منظمتنا، كل مبادرة مهمة.

To me, beauty means to be natural, creative
and honest - it is to say the truth.
بالنسبة لي، يعني الجمال أن تكون طبيعيًا، ومبدعًا،
وصادقًا - الجمال هو قول الحقيقة.

— Dr Nawal El Saadawi